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недеља, 7. јул 2013.
Why did I chose this exact book as a start? Well, it is mostly because I think that each of us has many simmilarities with Don Quixote. Maybe more than with any other character from books... Everyone has two parts, philosophers call it dualism. Everyone has that part that is rational, serious, convenient, and the other, imagination, phantasy, feelings... And each of us fights, what will overcome? Intellect or imagination. Intellect or ideals... In the book, Sancho Pansa is reasonable, he is Intellect. And Don Quixote is a dreamer, he is Imagination. Don Quixote has his ideals, his dreams, his world of perfection. Perfection, or not? I believe that he just has this amazing ability, he sees good in everything and everyone, even in people that are lowest of the lowest... I heared once from one of our scientist that it is the same with God. Don Quixote, and God, both of them see good everywhere, everyone must be given an opportunity. Amazing, really amazing. And, yet, Don Quixote is almost sad, tragic, when nobody seems to understand him, when everybody laughs at him. Does he actually help anyone? Well, I think he, Servantes helps us. When we read the book, everything seems possible, no metter nobody gets and uderstands Don Quixote, it is exhilarating to see one man making world for himself, turning away from everything that is boring,usual, normal, and fighthing for his own dreams, for his ideals. It makes us want to change the world, even a little.
Yes, the most important thing that I got from this book is that feeling that everything is possible, we should just follow our dreams. And dreams are what we need, what we miss... Not having a dream is the same as live but not trully live. Don Quixote died when he was so close of actually finding out that everything is an illusion. He dies before his dream gets washed away. And, I think it is for the best, it would be much harder facing the thruth. In real life there is also always some Sancho, some voice that keeps us on the ground, and he is, it is as important as Don Quixote, and Imagination. Listen to your dreams, follow your ideals, but try to stay on the ground. Hmmm, nice but though.
This is it, my way of seeing Don Quixote. I hope you will find this interesting, and I look forward to seeing your comments. I just tried to explain how I understand this amazing book, not to retell it. Maybe just to inspire someone to read it for the first time, or to read it again and maybe find something new...
Hi! This blog will be interesting for everyone with passion for reading. I think it is fantastic that two people on the opposite side of the planet may be reading the same book. So, I hope we can meet int he book, by the river, in the forest, on the moon, in the 18th century or anywhere else...
I will be writing my opinion of the books that i find interesting .
New review every sunday!